Precilog - About

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We measure the quality of your codes

PRECILOG is specialized in the evaluation and monitoring of software quality. We measure the quality of a software system by applying widely accepted coding standards to it.

PRECILOG was founded on January 15, 2002. Its main vocation is to represent TIOBE solutions in France.

TIOBE Software BV was founded on October 1, 2000 thanks to a major investment from the Swiss company Synspace and some private investors. The name TIOBE means "The Importance Of Being Earnest" . It is also the name of a play written by Oscar Wilde at the end of the 19th century. By choosing this name, the founders of TIOBE Software underline their sincere and professional attitude towards their customers, suppliers and colleagues.

Most of the PRECILOG and TIOBE employees are compiler technology specialists who started their careers in the research labs of Philips Electronics. TIOBE's core technology for building fast and reliable code checkers and beautifiers is based on the Philips Elegant compiler generator toolset.

PRECILOG and TIOBE verify more than 1,056 million lines of software code daily for their customers worldwide, in real time.








Latest news

Logo Fortune Technology
2023 October 18

Fortune Technologies checks code quality
Fortune Technologies, a Taiwanese high-tech firm that provides enterprise IT solutions, has started to use TIOBE's TiCS Framework to measure code quality.

IMF Logo
2023 June 28

IMF assesses code quality
The International Monetary Fund has assessed the quality of its software code using TIOBE's assessment services.

Logo TiCS
2023 May 30

TiCS 2023.3 released!
TIOBE releases TiCS 2023.3, introducing better ways to detect newly introduced and solved violations.

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